Material: White Mat Board
I was inspired by M.C.Escher's artwork Relativity. I wanted to show the concept of geometric architecture. The whole space could be considered as a big triangle. Then, this big triangle could be divided into many small parts. These parts look all different but with the common shape of triangle. Graphically, it looks like there are many different small triangles adding together randomly to form the big triangle.
Besides, the other concept I wanted to show was that the connection between the inside and outside of this building. As you can see from the pictures, stairs are using to show the connection between the inside and outside of the building. Therefore, when people stand outside of this building, they can feel the inside of it.
Week 3 Activity: A2 Collage&Sketch
Text about the body experience in the space:
The steps are inside the World Square and surrounded by numerous shops. The steps lead people to a flat roof. Upon that flat roof, there is a tall building with a round roof. This steps and building system look completely different from different angles. If people are standing at the front and facing the steps and building, it will give an illusion that the parts under the flat roof (the steps) and the parts above the flat roof (the building) are two separate bodies. The building is standing right behind the steps or the building is just gently put on the flat root. When moving closer to the steps, the tall building can be completely ignored because when I was standing there and looking around, the parts under the flat roof fitted in with the surroundings perfectly as a whole small building, not missing any essential conditions. On the other hand, the tall building upon the flat roof fitted in with the surrounding tall buildings and skyscrapers well. Spatially, if whole surroundings and the steps-building system form an image, the tall building upon the flat roof and the buildings and skyscrapers which were far away from me would be the blurs and should be standing in the background out of focus.
However, when I gradually climbed up the steps, I realize that the tall building upon the flat roof was actually connected tightly with the flat roof and the tall building was built from the ground. Indeed, the flat roof is a part of the building. The steps are built right outside the building and at the bottom of the tall building, a flat roof was built to make the illusion. In the same space, the view of the same objects could be totally different from different angles and this could be called as the spatial diversity.
Week 4 Activity:Freedom
In my opinion, the Rubik's Cube shows the freedom. The Rubik's Cube can be seperated, rearranged, and added together to form entirely different spaces. It is like the basic unit of a structure. Similarly, in biology, cells is the basic unit of all the creatures and it can form different creatures just by being rearranged or added together. The function of the basic unit shows the freedom of spaces.
On the other hand, the open space shows the freedom so that some open spaces was left to make a contrast with other closed spaces. Besides, the concept that "visible and invisible" can also be seen.